Install Webmin on Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.0.4


GeoHelm requires Webmin for installation. You can follow the steps below.


1. Connect to your server via SSH. Edit your sources.list file under /etc/apt

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

2. Add the following to the last line of the file

deb sarge contrib 


Save the file and exit the editor.


3. Get the Webmin PGP key


4. Add the key to your store

sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc  

5. Run apt-get update to pick up the Webmin repository:

apt-get update

6. Now, install Webmin using 'apt-get install webmin'

sudo apt-get install webmin   

7. Navigate to https://YourIP:10000 or https://YourDomain:1000 and you should find the Webmin login screen.

*If you prefer, a Webmin instalation script is available for our repository.


You are now ready to Install GeoHelm!