Install GeoHelm on Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04


Insure that Webmin is installed and System Requirements are met.


1. Log into Webmin and install Apache HTTP Server

Click on Unused Modules > Apache Webmin as shown below:


Click on the "Install Now" button as shown below to install the Apache HTTP Server:


2. Log in to your server via SSH and download GeoHelm from GitHub:



3. Prepare the Module for installation

unzip -q

mv Geohelm-master geohelm

tar -cvzf geohelm.wbm.gz geohelm/


4. Install the Module

Click on Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Webmin Modules as shown below:

Enter the location you saved geohelm.wbm.gz to in step 3 above, then click the Install Module button as shown below:


You will see a message that the module has been installed as below:

Click the Return to Webmin Configuration button and the click F5 to refresh the page.


You should now see GeoHelm under the Servers menu as below:


5. Install Apache Tomcat

Click on Servers> GeoHelm in the left menu as show above.

Click on the Install Tomcat button as shown below.

This will download and install the latest, stable version of Apache Tomcat.


6. Install Oracle JDK

On the GeoHelm home page, click the "Java Tab" button as shown below:

The screen below will appear. Click on the Install button as show below to install the latest Oracle JRE as show below:


7. Install PostgreSQL Repository

Click on the PG Installer icon.

Click on the Update button as shown below to install the latest PostgreSQL repository:


The screen will reload. This may take a few seconds. Click the Return to PG Installer Button.

You will now be at the PostgreSQL Installer page as shown below.

*Important* You can return to this page at any time to install any additional packages.

For now, just select Yes for postgresql-9.6, tick the boxes for 'Enable SSL' and 'Listen on all interfaces' as show below.

For PostGIS and PgRouting, also select below (Note: You can also install PostGIS and PgRouting via the install screen prompts):

  1. postgresql-9.6-pgrouting
  2. postgresql-9.6-pgrouting-scripts
  3. postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.3
  4. postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.3-scripts

Click the "Update" button at bottom. Installation will take a few minutes as it will be installing all of the GIS libraries (proj, geos, etc...)

Once above installation completes, go to Unused Modules > PostgreSQL Database Server and click the "install DB:PG package" The Webmin PostgreSQL module is a very good module for managing PostgreSQL.


8. Enable shp2pgsql and GDAL

From you SSH session, issue:


apt-get install postgis

The above will install the shp2pgsql binary.

Next, issue:

apt-get install gdal-bin

The above will enable ogr2ogr and gdal_translate utilities




9. Install haveged

On the GeoHelm home page, click on the Install Now button for haveged.

Next, return to your SSH session and issue the following two commands:

service haveged start

systemctl enable haveged

Installing haveged will make Tomcat startup much faster.

10. Install GeoServer (Optional)

On the GeoHelm home page, click on the GeoServr icon.

You will see a screen as below. Click on Click Here to install the latest stable GeoServer.


Note that installing GeoServer will cause Tomcat to start automatically.


11. Optional Web App, OpenLayers, Leafelt, and GeoExplorer

If you wish to install our WebApp (a simple test page), OpenLayers, Leaflet, and/or GeoExplorer, click the appropriate button.

Otherwise click the Dismiss button.


12. Restart Apache

Click on Servers > Apache Webserver in the left menu.

Click the reload button to reload Apache.


13. Check Installation

Navigate to or

Check that it is running and you are able to log in.

The default user name and password is admin/geoserver. Be sure to change this!

If you installed GeoExplorer, this will also be available at: or

If you do not reach the GeoServer page within a minute or so, try restarting Tomcat.


14. Congradulations! You now have a full Open Source GIS Stack up and running!


Next: Enabling Services on Debian


Or, read the manual or view each component and how each can be used.

GeoHelm Home Page

Tomcat Config Page

Tomcat WARs Page

Java Page

GeoServer Page

PostgreSQL Page

Important Be sure to also view the sections below:

Securing Your Installation

Moving the GeoServer Data Directory

Command Line Usage